Star Trek: Into Darkness is the follow up film to the 2009 reboot of this franchise. This film once again tells the adventures of the crew upon the USS Enterprise. When Starfleet suffers a terrorist attack from a mysterious personage, the crew must find this man, and bring him to justice.
When this movie first came out three years ago, I was a big fan of it. I believed it to be one of the best Star Trek movies. At that time in 2013 I wasn't a big Star Trek fan. Today, I have grown into a mild Star Trek fan. I love the TV shows, and most of the classic movies. So when I re-watched this movie, I very much disliked it. It didn't feel like a Star Trek film. I wasn't attached to the property in 2013 so I didn't care that it didn't feel like Star Trek. But right now, I'm more familiar with this property so it bugged me, badly, that this didn't seem like a Star Trek film.
If you are not a mild-big Star Trek fan like I was in 2013, you will get a kick out of this movie. It has great action, and the cast once again brings it with their portrayals of the classic Star Trek characters. If you are not attached to this property there is a very good chance you will like this movie. There is enough in this movie to make it enjoyable.
I found it really hard to enjoy this movie. I tried to appreciate everything in it for what it was, but I just couldn't. It didn't feel like Star Trek. What I like and appreciate about Star Trek is it's simplicity. If you go back and read my review of the 2009 film, I praised it for not overcomplicating its self. Into Darkness did the opposite of what the 2009 film did. It lost the true sense of what Star Trek is. It didn't focus on the characters. Into Darkness focused on action, focused on making it a big, blockbuster epic, that it lost the true sense of what Star Trek is.
In conclusion Star Trek: Into Darkness had potential to be a great Star Trek film. It just didn't have the charm the 2009 film did to make it feel like Star Trek should feel. I will give Star Trek: Into Darkness a 2/5.
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