Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Get on Up Review

          Get On Up is a biopic about James Brown, the most influential musician in the 20th century. It stars Chadwick Boseman (who played Jackie Robinson in 42) as the leading role. This movie could've been one of the years best and it fell short of reaching that. 
    Biopics can either be really entertaining or they can not get your attention and you find yourself not caring. Get on Up was structured horribly. They continuously went back in time like you would expect in a movie about someones life but, they did it in the wrong way. One scene they had the movie set in 1993, then in the next seen you see a random little boy. You see him with his mom in their house in the woods and you think to your self "How is this relevant?" Then 5minutes into the scene you see the time code go back into the 1930s. The filmmakers just seem like you should be smart enough to just assume that the little boy was a small James Brown. It had me confused. It did that throughout the whole movie and really took me out of it.
    Chadwick Boseman's performance was completely outstanding! He did incredible in the role. It's definitely out standing. I still like James McAvoy's performance in X-Men: Days of Future Past better but Boseman's performance was by far one of the best we've seen this year. He deserves an Oscar Nomination extremely bad. The other performances were good. No one did outstanding like Boseman did. He was a really good dancer and he did a good job at imitating James Brown's voice. Boseman had a surprisingly good voice. Boseman just embraced the character of James Brown so well all the other actors looked "meh." 
     Get On Up didn't connect with the audience at all. You could tell the filmmakers knew that. They had James Brown brake the 4th wall at times and it didn't work at all. It made the situation worse. It took me out of the film even more. 
     The direction of the film was really well done. Tate Taylor did the most he could with the script. I can't give any credit to the story because it all really happened. I don't know how much was actually real but, it was really interesting.  James Brown's life gave its self to make a good interesting story for a biopic. I'm glad they used what they did.
    Get On Up was a slight disappointment. I like 42 better but Boseman did a much better performance in Get On Up. The only Oscar I see coming from this movie is Best Leading Actor. I give this movie a 5.5/10.    

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