Saturday, May 4, 2013

Iron Man 3 Review

The latest installment of Marvel's Cinematic Universe (MCU) as well as the last Iron Man movie Iron Man 3 came out over the weekend. Before you go to the movie you have to understand this is more of a Tony Stark film then a Iron Man film. That is one of the many things I liked about this film. Robert Downey Jr was born to play this role. I believe that Stan Lee even said when he was writing Iron Man RDJ is exactly who he had in mind. Along with RDJ the acting was incredible.  Don Cheadle, Gwyenth Paltrow, Ben Kingsly, Guy Pearce, definitely showed their full talent in this film. If they were standing next to me right now the would be Iron Man or Colonel Rhodes not their actor. Now I just wanted to clear up that I know for a fact that this fantastic group of actors/actresses did wonderful. But the story of this film was disappointing. It had many plot holes you didn't know what was going on half the time. I wanted to get the story really bad I just couldn't. It also seemed that they put little parts that were unnecessary into the film to make it a cool action movie. And it was! Just it seemed to me that they either had way to little, or way to much. They never had the perfect balance to make this movie enjoyable. I was confused or overwhelmed the whole movie. Never had the chance to enjoy. And the story it's self that parts that I did get made me mad. Make a good part of the movie that we can understand!!! But Tony Stark's latest Iron Man technology is one of the FEW parts I enjoyed. 
I guess coming after the Avengers (The best comic book movie of all time) and having Tony Stark/Iron Man be my favorite character in that movie I had to high of hopes. My hopes were let down. But the goal of this film was for the audience to see Tony Stark's character development throughout all of his trials. And the film definitely reached their goal I was not happy the way the achieved it.
If you have seen this film and you completely disagree with my review that is the great thing about film. Everything about it is about opinion. You have your opinions and I have mine

I rate this film a 7/10 or a B-. 

For more reviews and news check back here 

The trailers were misleading and I wanted the Iron Patriot to have a bigger role. 

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