This movie is from a studio called Studio Ghibli which is a Japanese animated studio that's a part of Disney. If you ever do decide to watch this movie make sure you get an american dubbed version.
This movie about a Japanese brother and sister trying to survive during WWII will punch you in the face. I highly recommend this movie, but this is a movie you have to be emotionally ready to watch before you actually do. This is definitely a film not to watch with children.
Not only is this one of the best animated films of all time, it's also one of the best war films. This film tells the story of WWII from the Japanese side which I'm not used to and it's nice to get a fresh take on a story we have all heard plenty of times. The one thing that makes this movie unique is it's told from the perspective of kids. From a boy about the age of 16 and his sister about the age of 5 or 6. I have a younger sister so when I was watching this movie it made it that more of an emotional watch. This movie is really well written. It's very important that a movie of this type hits certain beats that not only make the movie flow better, but add emotional impact and character development. This movie doesn't work if you are not connected to the characters. I guarantee that you will get connected to them because it's that well written. Along with the screenplay, it's one of the best original stories I have ever seen.
For a film that's done in the 80s, the animation is incredible. It's very unusual to praise an animated film for cinematography, but it's impossible not to notice how beautiful this is. Every shot, every second, you could tell they put all their effort into making this film look like one of the best I have ever seen (and that includes recent years.)
You can also complement this film on it's score, the pacing, and just everything. Take my word for it, this is a film you must see before you die.
When you watch this movie you will cry. You will be amazed at it's beauty. You will never forget how awesome this movie is. It's my favorite animated film of all time and the only animated movie that's in my top 30 of all time.
I loves movies that the title actually has meaning behind it. Grave of the Fireflies is one of the most meaningful titles to a movie ever.
You probably already guessed it, but I give this movie a (5/5)
Just remember when you watch this movie you will experience drama like you have never experienced before. Like I said you will be punched in the face.
I couldn't recommend this movie more.